「High angle grain boundary」熱門搜尋資訊

High angle grain boundary

「High angle grain boundary」文章包含有:「Chapter4」、「Grainboundary」、「Grainboundarycharacterization」、「Grainboundarymaps(lowandhighangle...」、「HighAngleBoundary」、「High」、「SubgrainBoundaries」、「TheEffectsofGrainBoundaryStructuresonMechanical...」、「Theoretically」

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Chapter 4
Chapter 4


It is convenient to divide grain boundaries into those whose misorientation is greater than a certain angle – high angle grain boundaries (HAGB), and those ...

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Grain boundary
Grain boundary


The movement of high-angle boundaries occurs by the transfer of atoms between the neighbouring grains. The ease with which this can occur will depend on the ...

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Grain boundary characterization
Grain boundary characterization


Grain boundaries are characterized by 5 rotational and 3 translational parameters. All these parameters influence the properties of boundaries.

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Grain boundary maps (low and high angle ...
Grain boundary maps (low and high angle ...


... boundaries between 2 • < ϑ < 15 • are considered the low angle boundary, while those with ϑ > 15 • are assumed to be high angle boundaries [14]. In Figure 6 ...

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High Angle Boundary
High Angle Boundary


High-angle boundaries are best treated as small deviations from the nearest CSL. They are then similar to low-angle boundaries that are a small deviation from ...

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Many high-angle grain boundaries can be regarded formally as superposed arrays of dislocations spaced atomic distances apart.

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Subgrain Boundaries
Subgrain Boundaries


In contrast the properties of high-angle grain boundaries, whose misorientation is greater than about 15 degrees, are normally found to be independent of the ...

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The Effects of Grain Boundary Structures on Mechanical ...
The Effects of Grain Boundary Structures on Mechanical ...


Young's modulus and hardness are higher in sample with low angle grain boundaries, while creep length is larger in sample with high angle ones.

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HAGBs are characterized by a large misorientation angle between adjacent grains, typically greater than 10 degrees. These boundaries have a ...